Mama: My name is Sarah and I'm a FTM (first time mom) to a beautiful little boy named Peter. Before I had my son I was a full time graduate student working on my PhD. I'm almost 30, a perpetually disappointed Leafs fan, married to my best friend, and the owner of cat who think he's God. Life is hectic at the best of times, but I wanted to start this blog to share with the other mamas out there the lessons I learn as we grow together as a family, and pass along the Tips and Tricks of the trade that we've found helpful.
Daddy: My name is Adam and I have the best baby in the world! I'm a teacher and geologist by trade. I gave up the life of rocks to settle down to start my family, and named my son Peter, which means stone. (Get it? Ha!) I'm hilarious. I love playing boardgames, letting the cat chew on my beard, and laughing at my wife and her Leafs obsession.
Boy-o: My name is Peter, and so far I'm an only child. I was born on April 20th, 2013 in Toronto, Ontario. I didn't want to come out the usual way, so I was removed via C-section. I like pinching, sleeping, laughing like a maniac, and I'm also a disappointed Leafs fan. I love going for walks in my stroller and exploring the neighbourhood with my mama!
Cat: My name is Hadrian and I am God. Pet me and adore me.